As I add this post, it is July 4
and I wish all of you a blessed Independence Day. It is First Friday as well,
our monthly renewal of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This past Monday we had an
important decision made by the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS), in the case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby. SCOTUS has ruled on this case
brought up by Hobby Lobby and other companies against the Affordable Healthcare
Act known as Obamacare. The company owners objected to supplying employee
insurance which includes coverage of abortion and certain types of
contraception. Actually, the Hobby Lobby ownership is not opposed to contraception as long as it has no possibility of aborting a newly formed embryo. Many see the SCOTUS ruling as about whether companies can claim
religious rights in this country in the same way as individuals.
As you may know, the court
decided that closely-held companies, such as those with family ownership, are
not bound to supply their employees with benefits to items which the leaders of
the company find morally objectionable. (Wikipedia description of the case is HERE).
This seems reasonable but things
are not always as simple as they seem. I don’t know much about business law,
and I just read an interesting perspective from Fox News Latino by Raul Reyes (2020 Update: link to article no longer accessible). He claims Hobby Lobby sells many items made by China, a
country with enforced limits in the number of children a family may have. He
brings up other interesting facts and links to Latina organizations who seek to maintain the coverage for contraceptives in order to help against
poverty (and this includes millions of Catholic women).
A “yea” for the decision was
also found at Fox News by Robert Jeffress, a prominent pastor. The link is
HERE. He cites other cases and mentions the pertinent fact that Americans
should not be forced into supporting abortions if it is against their religious
Many objections to this ruling
tend toward the question of women’s rights more than religious rights. Much as
I support women’s equality, there seems to be a disregard for whether the
embryo is killed or not. A better answer is needed and at the least women need better contraceptive
products that will not cause abortion. But until then there are barrier contraceptives which are fairly cheap and though not as convenient as pills, a lot
better in that sense than Natural Family Planning endorsed by Catholic leadership. Barrier contraception keeps the sperm from fertilizing the egg and therefore no abortion is involved.
When we evaluate political
priorities, religious freedom in our country is one of them. It is how that works
out for the best that is not always clear. Yet there is another even more
important religious freedom, available to all individuals. Jesus Christ frees
our bonds from the slavery to sin. Some may think that sounds strange, but
those who have had this experience know exactly what I am talking about. Our
humanity is imperfect, and though we can desire good things such as harmonious
relationships, we also want many of the wrong things. We often seek to fulfill
our desires to the detriment of others, want more than our share of money, and spend
it on the things that purposely attract the envy of others. But when we surrender to Christ, we are released from these desires, and therefore feel the weight of needing these things fall away. Now, I am talking in general terms, and not all alcoholics are instantly released from their desire for alcohol (although I have heard that some are). People can become Christians and still have many faults. But some things do change right away, and I can tell you from experience it is plenty sufficient to notice the internal difference.
I have had experiences where
I’ve sought His answer and things happen that are not only clear but ingenious and joyful. It
is hard to describe but the way forward is opened up, at least until the next
challenge arrives, where I again seek His wisdom.
Remember the Bible verse:
“…if then my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14 NABRE).
Like political freedom,
spiritual freedom isn’t always easy, for individuals and groups as well. It is
a long journey to get to the right place and we can be on the right road for a
while but sometimes take dead-end detours. If we seek Jesus, He gets us on
track. Though Church leaders and members are sinners, with Christ our whole
outlook and our very being can change. Individual inner freedom is a glorious
thing. It would be great for all Christians to get together and seek it for the
collective body.