Monday, November 12, 2018

Updates Needed and Slowly Coming

Yesterday I clicked one of the links of my books on this blog to its PDF file and was surprised to find that online it was very large on the screen and couldn't be reduced to a more convenient size. I then clicked the other book links and found the same thing. I should have checked them sooner but I don't get much traffic here and was occupied with other things in my life. I know how fast things change in the tech world so I'm sorry for not checking them more often. I am not sure what this problem might be but am going to look into it. I hope the files are better to read when downloaded. I'd be happy to take advice anyone might have.

I intend to do some further updating as winter rolls in. I have been working on my first book which I have not had on this blog. It was written long ago and has not been on a single file. I don't even remember why I had kept the 5 parts separate, but it probably had to do with file size on the vintage word processing program I used. It is a pleasure to get the parts together in one file on my Microsoft Office Word 2016.

Though my self-published books here are not perfect, I still want to put them out as free books that might entertain and, I hope, elicit some food for thought. If anyone sees mistakes, I'd be happy to take comments on any regular posts and correct them. I intend to update all files of my books on Word 2016 and convert them to PDF. I don't know what I will do about the EPUB format at this time. I found Adobe still provides an EPUB reader, so for the time-being I will leave the file formats I already have on here.

I also must update the posts since many links are now outdated. I am starting at the chronological beginning of March, 2008. I look forward to having that done soon.

I hope to comment a little on Catholic Answers Forum, so if you have looked me up, thanks for reading and I hope you will bear with me as I try to get my blog in better shape.