Friday, September 10, 2021

New Creation Biology Cover

It's been an amazingly busy summer and my last blog post was over 2 months ago. But I've been working, with help, on a new cover for my Creation Biology, 2021 Edition, and am happy with the results. I offer this 35-page booklet free over the Internet but also will print out some paper editions as I seek God's guidance on its distribution. I know many people are writing about creation now, related to the fields of biology, geology and cosmology. This is my small contribution, gleaned from my formal education and continued reading. 

UPDATE 2-21-22: After printing out some of the booklets, I found the font too small to comfortably read. I thought I might as well check through it again and made yet a few more edits for clarity. So now it is the 40-page Creation Biology, 2022 Edition. You can click on the image for the direct link or get it RIGHT HERE.

I think there are very good reasons to believe that God made life and some species, or types, directly by supernatural means, called Special Creation. My booklet describes some details of biology and relates how improbable it would be for the present systems to be in place by chance. I try to be as clear as I can, and it is important for people to know these facts so they can approach the questions of Creation and evolution with as much information as possible.

Though people say that scientists will always discover more, at some point we accept certain scientific facts such as the existence of atoms and molecules. We may come to learn more about them, but enough has been clarified to believe they exist. The biological discoveries of the last few decades have been enough to clarify that random mutation of DNA and subsequent "selection of the fittest" is not a reasonable answer for the makeup and variation of life we see today.

Now that I'm done with this booklet, I'm trying to read more of the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas, the great theologian.  He refers to Aristotle's Metaphysics quite often, which I had never read, so I am tackling that too. Those books will keep me occupied for a long time.

I hope that you will let my Creation Biology, 2022 Edition booklet occupy some of your time.