Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Three Month List

I'd like to present a list of excuses for why I haven't written here for 3 months, but no use whining. Everyone is busy, yet some people can keep their blogs going without gaps. Still, even though I have slacked, l believe it's a good practice to add a post once in a while in case I ever get back to this blog on a regular basis. If anyone checks they will see I haven't forgotten it altogether. I actually can't believe Google has been kind and consistent enough to keep the blog site going in the way it has. I'm sure they get something out of it but to give them credit, it is a benefit for those who use it.

Technically, I have done some things on the blog that aren't reflected in the posts. I added my book, Mission: Faithful which I edited last year (see the picture on right to access). And now I hope to go through the files of my other books to update them.

Also, I will go through my posts from the beginning, which was back in 2008. I am sure there are a lot of links that are outdated, and I wasn't always careful about my style for citations. I hope to make improvements in that area.

I do find purpose in thinking about the blog and in writing. So thanks for stopping by and someday I may get back to posts which have more than 3 month's worth of dates between them!