Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bishops' Synod 2024

The second session of the Vatican Bishops’ Synod on Synodality 2021-2024 will be held Oct. 2 to Oct. 27, 2024. More information can be found at the Synod website HERE.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Outline Writing

I have been thinking once again about “retiring” from writing, but have had things I’ve still wanted to say. For quite a while I’ve felt I haven’t been able to express myself, and I was ready to quit without a feeling of closure, though I would leave the blog available for as long as possible even if I stopped posting. Then it occurred to me to try writing with an outline, which I had never done. I am glad I have made the effort to do so, because I’ve found it helpful in organizing my ideas. I’m not sure this work will be enough to keep me posting in the blog, but it has still been worthwhile for me.

As I developed the outline, I realized my concerns are directed to different “audiences,” or groups of people with various interests and beliefs, although there is overlap. Some of these groups are: non-believers of any God or religion; those who consider themselves spiritual but not Church members; and Catholics and other Christians who are universalists (basically believing everyone will be saved). There are individuals within all of these three groups that in diverse respects deny that belief in Jesus Christ and Him alone as our Savior and God, along with the Father and Holy Spirit, is necessary for a blessed everlasting life.

I also think about other issues within the Church, for example: strained relationships between and among Catholic Church leadership and laity; the negative effect some prominent theologians have had on the Church; and Pope Francis’s call to synodality with the Bishops’ Synod on Synodality 2021-2024.

I’m not on any social media other than Google blog and don’t interact with other forums right now, so I may be optimistic about reaching any audience at all. But with new AI search engines, you never know what will happen. I started this blog with pretty regular posts, but in coping with various life challenges, my input declined. I shouldn’t compare myself to others, but I felt a little self-conscious about not posting until I read several blogs with inconsistent output. We are all vulnerable to difficult circumstances.

Probably more has been written about Jesus Christ than any other person, and concepts of God more than any other topic. And yet there is more to say. God is new every morning. He is a marvel beyond our full understanding, yet He lets us discover more about His Creation each day. Because God is not completely knowable to humans, we have different ideas about Him, but that doesn’t mean they are all correct or even acceptable. And though most Christians have many of the same basic beliefs, I think our disagreements show we need to work together to better understand and be pleasing to the Lord.

There is purpose in writing about the Trinity: Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit. There are many people still to be reached and much to learn for us all. As long as authors proclaim the True Lord, I applaud their efforts, whether I continue writing or eventually feel called to a different task.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Synod Second Session

The dates for the second session of the Vatican Bishops’ Synod on Synodality are Oct. 2 to Oct. 27, 2024. I had previously given the Vatican News site (HERE) as more informative of the Synod than the actual Synod website. However, there are now new documents posted at the Synod website which are pertinent to the second session. I have the Synod home page link HERE, and the documents are under the link “Towards the 2024 Assembly.”

After this, I do not plan to be posting as many links to news and publications leading to this Synod as last year, assuming that those who are interested have caught on to finding information.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Sixteen Candles

On March 8, 2024, I celebrate anniversary number 16 of my womanatwell blog. In my youth I had vague ideas of wanting to be a writer, but couldn’t put together what to write about, unlike so many writers who started making up stories at a young age. On the other hand, a load of life experiences can be helpful to feed the writing fires, and I have had plenty of those.

My parents stressed education and I had always liked animals, especially horses, so I thought I might like to be a veterinarian. Nothing stopped my progress and I indeed graduated in that field and practiced for several years. But in the meantime, I had experienced several very difficult personal situations and spent quite a few years searching for some kind of grounding. I thank the Lord that I eventually came back to my Christian religion. This experience made me aware of how likely it is that others may be in the same condition I had been, and it led me to learn more about theology, the study of God and religion, and evangelization, which is proclaiming the Truth.

As I try to explain aspects of my life, God is at the top of importance, and of course human relationships are a major part. But for interests, theology and evangelization are main categories, you could say. One result of my early theological study was writing the booklet called Heaven’s Passport. It’s small enough to produce on my own printer and I have distributed it in various places. Once I started my blog, I added the booklet digitally, offering it for free. Though the term “theology” sounds heavily academic, my booklet describes various facets of Christianity in what I think to be an understandable way.

Womanatwell has not had a lot of traffic like some, and I don’t have any other media sites. When I’ve commented on a few other websites, I have noticed an increase in visits here. I’ve mostly been happy doing the blog and am glad for an outlet for my writing.

When I started the blog, my overall desire to evangelize could probably be further categorized to three of my general interests: women’s issues; Latin America; and Creationism (which started in the form of Intelligent Design Theory).

I still am interested in women’s place in the Catholic Church, which is probably why I have posted so many links to the current project of Pope Francis, the Bishop’s Synod on Synodality. During this process, women have had a chance to express what they think and feel in a much freer atmosphere than previously. As I expected, many say that Catholic women need a much larger role in decision making and influence. I could write much more about this subject, but have found it is even more of a hot-button issue for me than the other ones and I know there are many very capable women out there working to improve this situation. I have made some comments along the way but have mostly felt it better to let cooler heads prevail.

My concern for problems in Latin America was expressed in a creative way in one of my fictional books, Unto Others. I care about people there, many of whom have such a hard life, and in real life I sponsored children from Colombia and El Salvador for some time through Christian agencies. I was able to make a few trips to Mexico and one to El Salvador, and I’m grateful I had these opportunities.

However, a person can only do so much, and I feel I was pulled toward the evolution controversy in order to use my gifts, at least for a time, to the best effect. As years passed, I shifted attention from the first two subjects much more into the scientific improbability of evolution. I figured my academic degrees in animal science and veterinary medicine would come in useful for this subject, and they certainly did. I even gave a few presentations to groups, although not everyone I approached would have me. The science can be difficult, but as in Heaven’s Passport, I have tried to explain the topics as simply as possible. I wrote two non-fiction booklets about Creation Biology and a fictional book, Biotech Swirl, to provide relevant information and perspective. They are all included on my blog.

But that time to study and promote Creationism came to a close and I wanted to focus more specifically again on theology, which includes studying philosophy as well. I have a certificate in theology (one year of college), but know that there is so much more to learn. I have worked on theology itself for the past few years, reading St. Thomas Aquinas and other authors, and have learned a great deal on my own. However, once again I’m feeling some kind of shift coming which may draw my attention elsewhere.

In the Book of James in the Bible, it warns against announcing what we will do today or tomorrow since we have no idea what will happen in the future. Instead we should say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that” (James 4:15, NIV). In other words, we should always keep our eyes on the Lord, since situations can change in surprising ways. I’ve had a tendency to project whether I’m going to write more or not on the blog, but at this point I need to say, “I want to do what the Lord wills for me.”

The first book I wrote, Mission Faithful, was printed before I started the blog. I suspected it would not be accepted by a publishing house, so I self-published it. The story is about a secret group of Christians who pray together about various situations, seeking God’s direction for their actions.

In a way I feel like I’ve come full circle, because this first book still sticks with me. Though I’m not a member of a secret prayer group, or any prayer group at the moment for that matter, I want to pray to discern God’s will for my path from here.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Catholic Women's Webinar

The World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations (WUCWO) is starting a webinar series about Synodality in the Catholic Church called “School for Synodality,” February 27-29, 2024. The First Session of the Synodal Assembly 2021-2024 resulted in a synthesis document to which I previously linked (a direct link to the document is HERE). The WUCWO school will focus especially on Section 9 of the document, which concerns the role of Catholic women in the Church. The link to the website for registration is HERE.  

I’m sorry this post is so late but I only noticed this announcement today, Feb. 27, 2024, on the Vatican News site (and as far as I know today is when it first showed up). The first two days of the webinar are in Spanish and French respectively. The February 29 presentation is in English. I hope you can still register and watch if you are interested.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Synod Groups Formed

As I still try to catch up with my various activities from a very busy 2023, I’ll just add a short post to keep my blog presence alive for another month.

Further developments have recently taken place concerning the second session of the Catholic Bishops’ Synod of Synodality (16th Ordinary General Assembly).

In December, a document was distributed to bishops world-wide to help them continue the process of synodality. An article describes it at Vatican News HERE.

Just announced, Pope Francis, along with setting the dates of Oct. 2 to Oct. 27 2024 for the second session, is creating study groups to explore themes from the first session of the Synod. More details can be found at Vatican News HERE

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

HNY 2024!

A very belated Happy New Year 2024 to all! 

I'm still catching up. Last year was a very busy one for me, with a lot of traveling to relatives at different times and places. They were for the important life passages of a significant birthday and a wedding as well as two surgeries. The relatives all live hundreds of miles away and I drove all of it since I dislike flying and didn’t want to rent cars or depend on others at the destinations. It was worth it, but I’m hoping I’m home more this year. I’m grateful to friends who oversaw my home while I was gone.

I’ve started a few resolutions this year, one of which is to cut out TV almost totally. I still have a connection, and there might be a few things I’ll want to see, but daily hours are out. After only a few weeks, instead of missing being entertained (which was getting more questionable by the year), I very much like my extra free time. I think I’m already a little more productive because of it, and hope to stay that way.

In fact, another resolution was to get some of my notebooks in more order and that is pretty much done, for the time being anyway. I’m so glad to feel more organized. We had a big snowstorm in the middle of January, so that helped to keep me home and working on these books, along with a lot of shoveling. I thank the electric company for keeping at least our part of the state in electricity.

I don’t have much more to add right now. I wanted to get a post in for January, and am just squeaking by. Last month I brought my husband’s blog to an end. Even though he passed away several years ago, I felt people were still referring to it for a while, but I felt the time had come. But I hope to keep mine going for a while. It may be rather sparse for now, but it is still a nice outlet for my writing, and perhaps I’ll pick up speed again some day.