Monday, July 18, 2016

Science in US Schools

There is a very interesting article at Answers in Genesis (AIG) about the history of teaching Creationism and evolution in US schools. The article is by Lael Weinberger, "Evolution in US Education and the Demise of its Public School System," Answers in Genesis (Jan 15, 2005). AIG is a group associated with the teaching of Special Creationism, the belief that God created humans and animals directly in a supernatural way. The article tells about certain judgments in the courts that have turned teaching in classrooms toward evolution and away from Creationism.

One important trial in 2005 was in Harrisburg PA over whether a textbook could have a disclaimer that introduced Intelligent Design Theory in the Dover School District. It ended in favor of the evolutionists. The Wikipedia description is HERE.

There had been a fight in Texas in 2013 over the science textbook to be used in the classroom, and the evolutionists won so that their textbook was chosen. That story is related by Casey Luskin, "What's Wrong with the Miller & Levine Biology Text Book?" Evolution News (Feb. 3, 2014).

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has played a prominent role in responding to efforts in Kansas, Pennsylvania and elsewhere to weaken or compromise (as they see it) the teaching of evolution in public school science classrooms. An article relates this activity by AAAS Staff, "Evolution on the Front Line," AAAS (June 30, 2013).

These are among the major happenings in our schools that have directed public science teaching toward evolution, although the fights continue in the states to introduce and/or follow bills for academic freedom. An example is given by Sarah Chaffee, "From Political Scientist Jeff Sadow..." Evolution News (June 23, 2016)

Though many people believe evolution is the answer to our existence, many have other beliefs. There should be a way for facts to be examined in the classroom in an equitable way.

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