Saturday, May 30, 2020

Cookie Evolution

Often, people who misunderstand how the theory of evolution is supposed to work do not realize the vast complexity of biological mechanisms. They look, for example, at fish and land animals and imagine changes in environment are all it takes to bring about transformation from one species to another. All you have to do is invoke small steps.

To those who know more about biology, the formulation sounds a little like this:

“Cookie Evolution.”
  • a. One of my cupboards has a baking goods storage environment and therefore wheat randomly became flour and cane syrup by chance transformed into sugar to fill this space.
  • b. There was an empty and therefore potential environment in my cookie jar.
  • c. By chance, my flour and sugar randomly combined with butter and eggs from my refrigerator environment.
  • d. The combined features evolved when they passed through an oven environment.
  • e. My cookie jar environment got filled by nature alone!

The same could be said for birthday party environments being filled by birthday cakes, etc., but you get the picture. These are called “just so” stories because they state in part what is there but do not explain anything in a truly scientific way. You can use your imagination to make up a scenario, but that does not mean it actually happened that way!

Researchers, university professors and other so-called science promoters say things and show their videos that look good to the public on the surface but are often theory instead of fact, or at most partial facts without showing what is missing.

Does it stop science to think that God supernaturally created some animals and plants directly? Looking at my “Cookie Evolution” above, it is much more logical to assume that thinking people were behind the making of flour, sugar, and butter, bringing the ingredients together in a beneficial proportion and cooking them optimally for the best outcome. New discoveries about wheat or sugar cane, for example, would never replace the need for the involvement of living agents. I believe there is a point at which we can say that new discoveries about science will not displace the need for a Creator.

Even if feedback mechanisms seem to help organisms adapt to the environment, the proteins and other physiological systems must be there to make it work. With every species, new proteins, called ORFans, are found, at the rate of about 1 in 10^70 being functional (see my previous post for further info HERE). This is what so many evolutionists skip over completely without any attempt at explanation.

What can a layperson do about false information? Try to look at the raw facts. The word "evolution" is inserted into a great deal of published scientific papers whether it is proven or not. Just skip over the word and see what was really discovered about genes, proteins, molecular mechanisms or whatever the focus of the experiment. 

And you also have to consider what is not proven. Give a fair hearing to Creationists because they are the ones who are willing to look at this side. Do not discount what they say just because they belong to a certain group. Look at credentials—there are more and more Intelligent Design advocates and Special Creationists coming from the most prestigious learning institutions of our day.

Most importantly, be honest with yourself. This can be painful, as I know from experience. But I also know that a change in perspective can be very, very liberating.

Catholics believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. Right there we are looking at a supernatural genetic occurrence: the change of two X chromosomes to one X and one Y in one generation.

Personally, I think there may have been some cases in which one species may parent another that is not that far removed from it. On the other hand, I do not believe an ape of any kind gave birth to a human, either with intermediates or without. I think God created humans directly in a supernatural way. This is called Special Creationism (SC).

Jesus Christ knew human nature. He warned followers that we would be insulted for our faith in Him but He also said we would be rewarded for that very persecution (Matthew 5:11-12 NABRE). This is not to say we should promote SC for rewards alone. It is to say that if we believe in SC, we should have the courage to say so, to help others see what is true.

I find that the more I learn about biology, the more I think that what stops science is the unwillingness of many individuals to look at it straight in the face.

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