Monday, October 9, 2023

Synod at Vatican News

I have found that ongoing news of the current Bishops’ Vatican Synod on Synodality is as well found on the Vatican News website (link HERE) as the Synod website. Vatican News is "the news portal 9f the Holy See," and you can read more about it HERE. The main page of the Vatican News is a collection of many happenings, but streaming is possible for live synod events from there. For articles, using the same website, go to the heading of “Vatican” for the synod (although that also has other news). You can move from page to page at the bottom to catch up with what has been going on since the Bishops' Synod on Synodality opening on Oct. 4. The link for the "Vatican" page of Vatican News is HERE.

The news is mostly in the form of briefings given by Paolo Ruffini, President of the Commission for Information of the Synodal Assembly, although sometimes he is accompanied by other participants. Pope Francis had said before the synod began that he wanted an atmosphere of prayer during the proceedings which he felt would not be maintained if the press were physically present.

Still, Catholic websites for news and blogs have been watching the synod, as I have, and making comments along the way. A Google search for “Synod on Synodality” brings many results, as probably would other browsers. A variety of opinions about the meetings come from various worldviews.

At one of the synod’s briefings, Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, president of the Symposium of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (Secam), was asked about “so-called LGBT” issues (article HERE). I liked his answer: “On the LGBT issue, the Lord Himself through collective discernment will show us the direction.”

Though the Catholic Church has had a long, ongoing journey, Cardinal Besungu expresses the idea the pope is trying to get across concerning all the current issues with which Christians are grappling. The present walk of synodality is an attempt to include all Catholic Church members in seeking direction from the Holy Spirit, the Lord, for where we go from here.

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